cat hut

Are House Cats Nocturnal:Truth or Common Misconception?

If you hear a “thump” in the middle of the night, it might be your cat playing around. But is this really because your furry friend is on a completely different sleep schedule? The common belief that house cats are nocturnal isn’t entirely accurate.

In reality, house cats are often active at night, but they also sleep for significant portions of the evening. To help you better understand your feline friend’s nighttime activities, keep reading and learn how to ensure both of you get the sleep you need.

If House Cats Aren’t Nocturnal, What Are They?

House cats exhibit some of the most unique and fascinating sleeping patterns in the animal kingdom. Rather than being nocturnal, cats are considered crepuscular.

“Cats are most active at dusk and dawn,” explains veterinarian Dr. Caroline Wilde. “They’ve evolved to maximize their activity during these hours to minimize the risk of being preyed upon, as their natural predators are active during peak daylight and darkness.”

Dr. Wilde also notes that some cats may be more active in the early morning hours rather than throughout the night. This can lead many pet owners to perceive their cats as being awake all night. In contrast, humans are diurnal, typically most active during the day and asleep at night.


Are Some Cats Nocturnal?

While most house cats follow the standard crepuscular behavior, there are some who seem to be particularly active at night.

“Some cats do appear to be more active in the middle of the night,” says Dr. Wilde. “Naturally, every cat is different.”

It’s also important to note that your cat’s sleep schedule may be influenced by your own habits. If you work night shifts or stay up late in the evening, your pet may simply have adapted to your routine.


Why Are Cats Active at Night?

Like humans, cats have their own preferences for daily activities. Nonetheless, domestic cats are still heavily influenced by their genetic heritage as descendants of wild hunters.

“That’s right—when it comes to sleeping schedules, a cat’s tendencies are written in their DNA,” explains Dr. Wilde. “Many of their prey species, like rodents, tend to be more active at night.”

How Do Domestic Cat Sleep Habits Compare to Big Cats?

It’s no surprise that your domestic cat’s sleep habits mimic those of big cats in the wild. Most big cat species are known to do the majority of their hunting at night, preying on animals that are active during this time. However, not all big cats are crepuscular like their smaller, domesticated counterparts. Some species, like tigers, are primarily nocturnal, while others, like cougars, are crepuscular.

The Importance of Cat Naps

Your furry friend spends hours curled up around the house. But are they really sleeping during all that time? Not necessarily.

“It may seem like cats are napping all the time, but what they’re actually doing is resting in preparation for short bursts of very intense activity,” says Dr. Wilde.“

When your cat is sleeping, it often happens in short bursts interspersed with waking moments. This is drastically different from humans, who typically sleep for several hours straight. It’s also distinct from true nocturnal animals, which tend to sleep for longer periods during the day.

So, the next time you see your cat napping on the couch, they may just be resting up for a night of adventure!


Tips for Training Your Cat to Sleep at Night

Being awakened by your cat at night can quickly shift from cute to overwhelming. While it’s important to accept your pet’s natural instincts (including their crepuscular tendencies), you don’t want to keep sacrificing your own sleep. So, is it possible to train a cat to sleep through the night?

You likely won’t be able to completely alter your cat’s behavior. However, you can take steps to prevent your pet from waking you up repeatedly. Dr. Wilde offers some tips to help calm your cat at night:

Adopt a Consistent Schedule: Staying up late some nights and going to bed early on others will only confuse your cat.

Feed Your Cat at the Same Time Every Day: If your cat cries for food at night, remember that feeding them at that time reinforces this unwanted behavior.

Increase Your Cat’s Daytime Activity: If your pet isn’t getting enough exercise, they may be more likely to engage with you at night.

Provide Enrichment Toys: When you can’t play with your cat, they should always have toys to engage their minds and expend some energy.

Create Cozy Spots for Resting: If your cat can’t get comfortable or isn’t getting the sleep they need, they may try to interact with you at inappropriate times.

Remember, while you can’t change a cat’s natural instincts, you can try to model their behavior through positive reinforcement. Stay patient, and over time, your feline friend is likely to adjust.

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